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Mini Thoughts

Hello, all! Pub Date: 2-13-24 Adult - Fantasy The Book of Doors- Gareth Brown:  Cassie Andrews lives a quiet life as a bookseller in New York City. She loves being surrounded by books all day and chatting with the regulars, especially Mr. Webber. One night, while Cassie's closing the shop, she finds Mr. Webber slumped over a chair. After the police take away his body, Cassie finds a small leather book addressed to her that Mr. Webber left behind. Cassie quickly discovers that this is no ordinary book but the Book of Doors-- a magical item that will transport Cassie anywhere she wants to go. At first, the book seems like the greatest gift, allowing Cassie to explore far-off places whenever she desires, but there's a dark side to owning such an item. Now Cassie, her best friend, and a mysterious librarian must keep themselves and the book safe from a sinister figure who will stop at nothing to retrieve it. To say that this was a disappointing read would be a vast understatement.

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